Susan L. Hamric's Condolences

Sue, my heart was broken when I saw you in the ICU. You have had to go through so much in your life and you certainly shouldn''t have had to go through that too. They say there is a reason for everything and I would like to believe it was time for you to join Kathy and your family. To be free of all your aches, pains and paralysis. You were always an inspiration to me and your outlook on life amazed me. You were such a strong woman and a great friend. I can see you smiling now and we all miss you. Love you so much
— Bonnie Spry

So sorry Sue. Now you’re finally with Kathy. RIP.
— Tami Hildebrand

Sue - I am heartbroken. When Kathy passed I told you I''d be your new sister and that''s how I thought of you. We had some good times - I still feel that I can come up and get you and off we''ll go to the theater - up to my house for a picnic -50+ or whatever we wanted to do! I''m so sad I wasn''t able to come over and sit with you or hold your hand. You and Kathy will always be in my heart. But I am so happy to think your family is all together now. That you can walk up and hug them and hold that little dog you loved. You were an inspiration to me - how patient you had to be to do the things you did on the computer. I know you will miss the Pittsburgh Steelers but now you have a front row seat! And wave that terrible towel to your hearts content. I just believe God said - Hey Sue - you''ve had enough - come on up with us now and be free. But I do miss you already - Love, Nancy
— Nancy

God bless you Suz. Rest peacefully now. Sending my love. Sis
— Valerie Osborne Meacham

Rest in peace my dear friend, you were quite an inspiration. you and Kathy will always be in my heart.
— Joe Giordano

Susan was a sweet girl always smiling and friendly. Rest in peace now with your family.
— Diane Zeher

Very heartbroken to hear of Sue''s passing. Her and Kathy were an important part of my life growing up. I lived the way they would banter with my dad back and forth. I know you are now reunited with your family and friends once more. I will miss you. Keep smiling and say hello to Kathy and my dad for me. Until we meet again Sue, forever in my heart!!
— Terri Lockhart

So sad to see this! Just arrived in Bradford Thursday and planned to see Sue tomorrow. I always went to see her when I came to town. I last saw Sue in April when he for a Celebration of life for another friend. Now she will be back together with Kathy, her mother and father. I''ll miss our visits but I know you are happy being reunited with your family!
— Mary Roche Morgan

We are so sad to hear of Sue’s passing. She was so sweet and kind and was loved by those who knew her. She has lived with multiple sclerosis for so many years , but her love for life kept her going . She is now pain free with Kathy and her Mom and Dad in paradise. You will be missed Sue. Rest In Peace.
— Marty & Kris Sapko