Dr. Peter George Whelan's Condolences
My deepest condolences to the entire whelan siblings, relatives and friends. My thoughts and prays are with you all during this Difficult time. May the beautiful memories of you amazing brother bring a smile to you all.
— Kathleen Henchy Sullivan Kathleenmhs@yahoo.com
Sending you prayers of peace during this difficult time.
— Wendy Gallagher wagallagher@gmail.com
I read of a man who stood to speak
at the funeral of a friend
He referred to the dates on the tombstone
from the beginning...to the end.
He noted that first came the date of birth
and spoke the following date with tears,
but he said what mattered most of all
was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all the time
that they spent alive on earth.
And now only those who loved them
know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we own
the cars...the house...the cash.
What matters is how we live and love
and how we spend our dash.
So, think about this long and hard.
Are there things you''d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left
that can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough
to consider what''s true and real,
and always try to understand
the way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger
and show appreciation more,
and love the people in our lives
like we''ve never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect
and more often wear a smile,
remembering this special dash
might only last a little while.
So, when your eulogy is being read
with your life''s actions to rehash,
would you be proud of the things they say
about how you spent dash?
Petes family can easily say they are proud of how he lived his life. He didn’t care about material things his family and friends were the most important to him. He was a sweet soul that was kind to everyone and he could put a smile on anyone’s face. Rest in Peace Pete, I’m glad I was lucky enough to have known you. My thoughts and prayers are with the Whelan family at this tragic time. God Bless you all.
— Michele Meknudsen@hotmail.com
Oh Pete you are going to be missed @ Hamburg Beach
NY. Always a kind ,funny,
Do anything for anybody ?? kind of man... my ????
To the family
— Bonnie M. marciniakmichael07@gmail.com
My sincere sympathy to the entire Whelan family.May God give you the strength to carry on and may memories help to console you. I was blessed to call Pete a friend for many years beginning in high school at BCCHS and continuing for many years after that. After moving to Houston I lost touch with him but always treasured the fond memories.I loved his stories mostly about his own crazy antics.He will truly be missed by all who knew and loved him.RIP my dear friend Pete.I will see you on the other side.
— Theresa McCown notredamediva@att.net
To the Whelan family, although I only got to know Pete for a short time it felt like a life time with all the stories that brother Tom shared with me. I’m sure he will be missed by all. Thoughts and prayers.
— Bob Scharf Bobscharf1@verizon.net
Prayers of comfort to the Whelan family. Pete was a very kind and humble person. My mom really liked Pete and he was always kind to her.
— Greg & Deb Knowlton Gregknowlton@outlook.com
Rest in Peace my colleague and friend. Our condolences to the family.
— Dr. John Campbell and Beverly doctorjohn22@gmail.com
I am so sorry to hear about Pete’s death and was truly sad to hear of his passing. I have such great memories of going fishing, hunting and playing basketball with him. I know he will be truly missed.
— Chris Ray Cray0@me.com
My thoughts and prayers go out to all of Pete''s family. May your memories help you all through this difficult time. His laughter and kind heart will never be forgotten. Kim Guzan
— Kim Guzan kimguzan1954@gmail.com
I am writing this sad condolence following the loss of one of my best friends ever. Like others, I have many fond memories and funny stories of Pete. One in particular comes to mind. I was invited on the “maiden voyage” of a boat that Pete had just purchased. After being granted permission to come aboard by “Captain Pete”, we set out from Willow Bay to the open waters. But the trip didn’t go so well. Pete forgot to put the plug in and we were taking on water. After some bailing and putting the plug in, it all ended well. This is the way that I will chose to remember Pete. Happy-go-Lucky and always ready for the next adventure. God has now granted “Captain Pete” permission to come aboard in Heaven. His family and friends will miss him forever. Rest in peace my friend. Tom
— Tom Wartella Mbwartella@yahoo.com
To the Whelan family and friends of Pete. Our deepest sympathy for the loss of such a nice guy. Classmate, dentist and friend. We would talk cars and motorcycles when in the chair. Then when done, he was out the back door to take a ride, I’d always chuckle.
All the wonderful tributes from family and friends is a wonderful testament to the man he was. Such a tragedy. RIP Pete
— Marlene & the Ackley family Almarack70@gmail.com
My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this difficult time! God truly found an angel in Pete!
— Cathy Grove cgrove@windstream.net
I was sorry to hear about Pete. I haven’t seen him in years but have fond memories of him.
— Nancy Pais Sullivan Valleyshorebabe@yahoo.com
He''s a perfect candidate to become sum lucky souls gaurdian angel for sure. God''s speed old friend.
— Rich Distrola. Misterbuck1@gmail.com
Our heartfelt condolences to the Whelan family. Peter’s life was a testament to the kindness and love of the Whelan/Mackowski family. We both mourn and celebrate a life well lived.
— David and Shirley Daly ddaly16@gmail.com
To all my cousins
There are no words..
Only wonderful memories of a life well lived and fun times with Peter.
You can’t remember Peter without a great story to go with it!!!
Our hearts are broken for you all.
Love and sympathy
— Denise and Ken Jadlowiec djadlowiec@yahoo.com
To all of the Whelan Family members,
I am so very sorry about your loss. Pete lived life to the fullest. He will be missed greatly. Sending wishes for peace and comfort for all of you. So sorry for your loss.
Terri DePalma Smith Leven
— Terri DePalma Smith Leven colormeaseason@atlanticbb.net
My deepest sympathy to the Whelan Family.....such a well respected Irish Catholic Family...my memory of Dr. Pete would be him giving Halloween candy at my son Tim''s home (Tim is married to Pete''s niece Dana)..."I said so you got the job of handing out to candy" ...he laughed and said " actually as I Dentist I shouldn''t be doing this! don''t tell their parents" and laughed ....he also drove all way to Pittsburgh to Tim and Dana''s Wedding on his motorcycle!! ....your Family will sure miss ''Uncle Pete"
— Loretta Sampson, Rob, Jill and Ric Taylor lorettasampson.ls@gmail.com
Our deepest sympathy to the Whelan family. Pete was a beautiful soul and was so full of life. We are so privileged to have known him. God Bless and fly high Dr. Pete.
— Mike and Ruth Pehonsky rpehonsky@gmail.com
Dearest cousins. I’m so sorry for this tragic loss. I remember Pete as being so very kind and a gentleman . I can’t even imagine your pain. My heart is broken right along with yours. Sending you my deepest sympathies and all my love.
— Susie Mackowski SusieMackowski@Gmail.com
So sorry to hear this. My prayers are with all of his family. He will be missed. God Bless.??
— Marsha Dowd mdjdowd@outlook.com
Pete. After reading all the other condolences I am nothing less than privileged to write something myself even with these circumstances. You have been and still are a great friend. many hours of basketball and football. Moving you home from Pitt after you graduated and having a speaker off my truck. But one thing stands out more than what we did and truly does matter the most. The kind of person you have been to everyone. You lived and worked love for your fellow man. I miss you Pete. In these wee hours of the morning I bid you farewell...for now! God Bless the entire Whelan family. You lent Pete to me for over 50 years. Be consoled and carry the banner of love he carried for you and others.
— Ronald and Carol-Aynn Knott Rochester NY pjer1953@rochester.rr.com
My deepest sympathy for the family at this time of such great loss. You are in my prayers.
— Sara Shallop sefs57@gmail.com
Dear Whelan cousins,
I am so sorry for your loss. I remember Peter as a sweet little boy being so smart! He has left a beautiful legacy to his family. I hope you are comforted by what a wonderful kind person he became.
Love to all of you
— Nancy (Mackowski) and Chuck Felmlee nancyfelmlee@gmail.com
Gail and I will keep the entire Whelan Family in our prayers. Pete’s passing is so sad.
— Stephen Grillo Stephen.grillo@gmail.com
All of us at Hamburg Beach will miss Pete. He was a Joyful visitor every summer. ????
— Cindy Brockman Cindyshopper@verizon.net
So very sorry to the entire Whelan family on the loss of Pete. He was a kind, gentle man who always had a kind word. He will be missed by all who knew him. Such a tragic loss. We will be out of town this weekend but will be thinking of you all. Sincerely, Kim and Bob Douglas??
— Kimberly Douglas kimberlydouglasrn@icloud.com
My deepest sympathy and prayers to all the family.
— Bonnie Stevens (Marcott sblstevens@yahoo.com
My condolences. I''ve had the pleasure of being Pete''s Freind for decades. He would ride his motorcycle to Hamburg Beach to hang out several times a week for decades. Was always fun to be around an always willing to help in anyway he could. He will be missed by one an all at Hamburg Beach...
— Joe joefoefrombuffalo@yahoo.com
Sue, Tom, Denise and the Whelan family ..so sorry to hear of Pete''s passing, you''re in my thoughts and prayers ??
— Terri Spittler teri_spittler@yahoo.com
So very sorry and my heart felt condolences to all of Pete’s family. He was a unique and kind man.
— Angela Eschrich Angela.eschrich109@gmail.com
So very sad and sorry for the Whelan family in their loss of Pete. Thoughts and prayers are with you all ????
— Linda (Moore) Blake yayablakex2@gmail.com
I was so saddened to hear of Pete’s passing. I will always remember our talks about fishing while he would work on my teeth. He would tell me about all the enormous trout he would catch at the reservoir. You weren’t allowed to fish there but I continuously begged Pete to take me along. He would just smile and say no way your mother would let me have it! He sure lived life to the fullest and will be missed dearly!
— Kenny Jadlowiec kjad1972@gmail.com
I was heartbroken when I heard the news about Pete. He was loved dearly by many. My prayers go out to all of the Whelan families and relatives during this season of your lives. He will be sorely missed. I am so sorry for your loss.
— J. Michael Paterniti jmikep25@icloud.com
Sending Thoughts and Prayers to the entire Whelan Family ??
Pete was a great guy and friend! I will always remember when officiating playoff basketball games in Clarion, Dubois, etc... and walking out on the court or even in the hallway and hearing someone say Hey! Pick. You will be missed my friend. RIP Pete
— Pick Zimbardi pickzimbardi@gmail.com
Dear Whelan Family, we are so deeply sorry to hear of your brother’s passing. We lost a great dentist and a dear friend to all who knew him. He will always be remembered, he was one of a kind. Good bye my friend!
— George Macfarlane georgemac6@gmail.com
As the CEO of a company that provides correctional dental services across the US, responsible for the dental care of ~ 200,000 inmates in over 200 prisons and employing over 500 dental professionals, let’s get to the point: Dr. Peter Whelan was one of, if not the best person and dentist I ever hired. Pete worked for us at the Marienville Prison, SCI Forest, where we had so many great discussions. Pete from Pitt, me from WVU, anyone with knowledge of that rivalry, Pete and I should have never been friends, we were - with many laughs. We talked fishing, boating, motorcycles (don’t know how many times I said, Pete stay of that … motorcycle??) and many more subjects. What did Pete want to talk about the most, and was SO PROUD OF? His parents, numerous siblings, nieces, nephews, grandnieces/nephews and vast family. That is what he loved the most! To Pete’s family, my heart is broken. He loved you all so much! What a great life he lived. An example and mentor, of how we all, should strive to live.
— Dr. William Smallwood wsmallwood@smallwoodpds.com
My condolences to the Whelan Family. So sorry for your great loss.
— Kathleen Vanerstrom kmvaner@gmail.com
Thoughts & Prayers to Pete''s Family. He was a great guywe''ll miss hunting & fishing with him. RIP old Friend.
— Carl Milks cmilks1@juno.com
I’m so sorry to learn of Pete’s passing. He had such a sweet and gentle soul, zest for life, and a friend to all who knew him. I wish to express my deepest sympathies to the Whelan family, (particularly Denise, Joanie and Anne) whom I’ve known since grade school. Take comfort in having Pete in your life for so many years. Be blessed.
— Cynthia (Pettinato) Vena, St. Petersburg FL cyvena@icloud.com
Dave and family
I’m so sorry for your loss. Pete was a great guy. He will be missed. My deepest condolences to all of you. God bless
— Jeff Fetterman fetterman68@gmail.com
From all the nice comments made, I would say that heaven has a new star.
My wife and I were very sorry to read of your tragic loss. It is a heavy load to bear. Let us remind ourselves that someday, in the so to speak twinkling of an eye, we will all be together celebrating Peter and all our blessings.
— Donald Mackowski dmack120@verizon.net
We are sorry for your loss and will keep the entire family in our thoughts and prayers.
— Scott and Krista Hodges sdhodges11@gmail.com
My sincerest condolences to the Whelan family.
— Mike Bond dustiey007@gmail.com
To my dear Friend Anne the Whelan Family and all Pete''s loved ones.
I am so deeply sorry for this tragic loss. My thoughts are with you as you go through this.
When spending time with you Anne at your home as a young person we had fun and friendship of joy.
You could always get a glimpse of Pete looking back at who was there then running outside. Going for the joy.
In life even a short visit in time with him it was apparent he thought of others and what they felt and went through in their lives. How they felt seemed important to him.
He had empathy and he was so kind with loving spirit. A very intellectual person shined through.
May his fun loving heart stay with us always.
Pete ( Doctor Whelan) rest in peace.
Sheila Grego
— Sheila Grego livelifesmagic@yahoo.com
We are very sorry to hear about Pete. Was a great Dentist. Friend. He will be missed.
— Linda Tyger lindatyger@yahoo.com
Pete was such a positive person. Loved life ,he was a joy to work with and friend. Prayers for the family. Will be missed by all who knew him...
— Pam Sutton Dental Assistant at Sci Forest. rustishovel@yahoo.com
I knew Pete from Kindergarten on. I spend many hours playing he and Dave. What a gentle and humble man he was. So easy to be his friend. My condolences to the family. What a great guy
— Phil Vaughn pjvaughn1@verizon.net
The Tom Brady of touch football. The GOAT of Dentists. My heart goes out to you, family and friends. I’m doing push-ups every day for Uncle Pete.
— Robert Konwinski robkonwin@gmail.com
I feel so terrible about the loss of this wonderful man, and a gentle dentist. For many years, he and I were the only two Pitt football fans in Bradford. I loved to hear of his crazy motorcycle trips, swimming at all times of the year,
Playing basketball. My deepest condolences to his family.
— Marty Wilder martywilder7@me.com
To the family and friends of Peter we send our heartfelt condolences what a great person great friend RIP
— Larry/Marianne Lucco llucco@comcast.net
Pete has, is, and will always be one of my best friends. There are so many stories to tell, and some better left untold. I will truly miss him. To Pete''s family, you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Ed & Stephanie Chandler
— Ed Chandler ed.chandler1@comcast.net
So very sorry for your loss
— Gail Moyer krmgam@hotmail.com
We are sorry to hear of your loss.
— Stoney,Becky,Max,Michael Greenberg stoneygreenberg@verizon.net
Dr. Whelan was such a nice man and pleasant to work with. SCI FRS dental department will miss him. Sympathy and prayers to Dr. Whelan''s family and friends.
Kim Smith - SCI Forest
— kim smith Kimbersmit@pa.gov