Mary A. Winner's Condolences

What a beautiful soul, I worked with her at BRMC and she was a delightful co worker. Prayers for all she loves so dearly.
— Linda Platko

My deepest sympathy to Bill Winner and the Winner family. I worked with Mary at BRMC. Much love!
— Marie Kleiderlein Davis

To David,Olivia and your family,so sorry to for your loss,,she was a sweet lady,,,I know you will miss her terribly,,you all are in our prayers..
— Dan & Janet Taylor

Gary sorry doe your families loss
— Tami(O’Neil) Hildebrand

Our condolences to David P Winner and his Family. May God comfort the broken Hearted and give you all strength and peace I had the pleasure of meeting Mary Winner and visiting with her, when I would visit In Bradford. Our Live to the Winner Family.
— Maria,&Dwayne Langston

We were blessed to know her. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.
— Craig and Jené Gardner and family

My Condolences to Super Dave & the Winner Family for their lost.
— Freddy M

I am sorry to hear of your loss.
— Stoney Greenberg